Hi i am
Yaroslav Cherednikov
front end web developer
with an empowering toolbox,
optimized over the years with
evolving web standards
my web dev arsenal includes:
about me
Work History
Full Stack PHP Web Developer
2018 - Present
My current position i begin as a web developer, with solid frontend capabilities and almost none experience with PHP/MySQ. basically, in span of almost a year, i extend my knowledge in backend and server aria, i learn how to use a custom developed CMS Admin panel coded with vanilla PHP / MySQL and WAMP. for the next couple of years i will maintain and add some new features to this panel, while coding fairly simple frontend websites with it.
Then the company makes some major changes: one of them, is a fulltime Project Manager position. I’ve been doing some PM myself and had communications with some clients till this point.
Also from now on all websites will be made based on WordPress thus begins my new chapter in self education where i get to learn about WordPress and how to build a custom theme.
About a year later, after successful wordpress adaptation i decide to ditch the jQuery dependency and replace it with ES6 alternatives, like Fetch API, for async server requests.
Front End Developer
2017 - 2018
My next chapter, after BOA, dedicated to further self education and some freelance jobs to challenge my self.
At this time a already had a FIVERR freelance account and some UI/UX works i made with coworker, from my previous workplace in advertising agency on designer and flash animator position. At this point, my learning goals are scattered in a lot of different directions, such as: ANGULAR JS, PHP, MYSQL, CSS ANIMATIONS.
And at that point of time i mostly prevailed with css animations mixed with jQuery while other stuff perceived complicated
BOA Elite
Front End Developer
2016 - 2017
My fist workplace as a junior frontend developer. I’ve joined the frontend dev team of total 6 developers and team leader. we’ve been working mostly on some landing pages for company affiliates or fixing/adjusting their existing sites. This place thought me to take an unresponsive website and make it mobile friendly
Udemy courses, self education
Udemy courses, self education
Wordpress themes and plugins Dev
self education, tutorials
PHP Mysql
self education, tutorials
Media Design
Ariel University Center of Samaria
my portfolio
Igloo Gaming
Unipharm Global
Unboxing Israel
Sivan Innovation
Shimon Hatarasi - White City
Karl Netter
Vibe Israel
Gift animation
trave list
PHP MySql project
One of the coolest sites i had change to work on. it’s a simple theme with moderate css animations, stop animations and custom UI/UX solutions
This site made during my current position and is subject to copyrights of the company
A brand website for a company I currently work for. Advanced css and SVG animations. Utilizing Fetch API to store contact information in LEADIM and MONDAY board.
This site made during my current position and is subject to copyrights of the company
This example uses a previous set of tools, prior to WP migration. it has custom maid CMS for content management, and features custom UI/UX for COMEET positions
This site made during my current position and is subject to copyrights of the company
This one from my early dev times, when i was practicing with complicated css animations. the design has no significance though it still somewhat responsive the goal here was to make some animations done. there is no SVG/LOTTIE animation here, it’s all coded form scratch while some complicated shapes i couldn’t make with css, are exported as png
Custom WP theme with simple UX, css animations and CF7 plugin for contact page.
This site made during my current position and is subject to copyrights of the company
This site’s theme developed with capabilities of mini stock portal. with custom made UI/UX features and css animations
This site made during my current position and is subject to copyrights of the company
In many ways this is a copy of the the previous igloo site though it still features some slick UX/UI solutions along with LEADIM API
This site made during my current position and is subject to copyrights of the company
A simple theme with advanced css and SVG animations.
This site made during my current position and is subject to copyrights of the company
Advanced SVG animations, custom CMS with multi lang capabilities
This site made during my current position and is subject to copyrights of the company
A theme with moderate capabilities and advanced css animations along with UX custom features and polylang plugin for second language
This site made during my current position and is subject to copyrights of the company
This site has a custom css animation on home page and on scroll animations.
This site made during my current position and is subject to copyrights of the company
A simple theme with custom apartments UI BMBY API and Google maps API
This site made during my current position and is subject to copyrights of the company
Another site built upon custom CMS. features some simple css animations, custom UX for apartments and Google map API
This site made during my current position and is subject to copyrights of the company
Advanced css animation on home page, custom UI solutions
This site made during my current position and is subject to copyrights of the company
a project a made during react course and then upgraded it with connection to real time firebase DB
This is a project i practice to build a php mysql database, simulating a workers personal data